Confirming the management's intention to adopt a solid governance structure that allows the Group to act responsibly and in full compliance with current regulations, the Italian parent company has adopted an Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.
The Model is a voluntary tool used by the company to apply internally the regulations regarding administrative and criminal responsibilities for certain types of offenses, including crimes committed in relations with government authorities, corporate crimes, environmental crimes and crimes relating to health and safety in the workplace.
An integral part of the Model 231 is the Code of Ethics, which sets out the inalienable principles of honesty, correctness, transparency, integrity that companies undertake to abide by in their daily operations.
The ordinary and extraordinary management of the Group, including the definition of control and strategic guidelines, is delegated to the Board of Directors (BoD of the Holding). As of December 31, 2021, the BoD was made up of four directors:
Romano Minozzi Chair and Managing Director |
Federica Minozzi Vice-Chair and Managing Director |
Sergio Stefano Mascaretti Managing Director |
Mauro Tabellini Managing Director |
The Board of Statutory Auditors consists of 5 people:
Gian Carlo Guidi Chair |
Dario Maggioni Statutory Auditor |
Rosa Carla Parisi Statutory Auditor |
Roberto Leoni Alternate Statutory Auditor |
Massimo Fioroni Alternate Statutory Auditor |
Deloitte & Touche spa
The external auditor has been entrusted with the statutory audit of the accounts for 2019-2021.